Grow NJ Kids Acreedited!

We are happy to announce that we have successfully
completed the Grow NJ Kids rating process and have been awarded 4 stars!
Participating child care and early learning programs are assigned a star rating based on observed quality. As a rated program, we have demonstrated our commitment to offering high-quality child care and promoting school readiness.Here’s what you need to know about the stars:
5 stars - Meets very high-quality standards
4 stars - Meets high-quality standards
3 stars - Meets quality standards
2 stars - Committed to quality improvement
1 star - Meets state license or registration standards
In Morris County only 3 other centers have a 4 star rating! When you are looking for a center for your child make sure to look out for the stars!
"The assistance we got from Grow NJ Kids helped us review our quality standards, refine our practices and, ultimately, gave our incredible teachers the opportunity to shine and feel proud of what they do on a daily basis".
Grow NJ Kids is New Jersey’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). It offers child care and early learning programs access to training, professional development, staff scholarships for continuing education and targeted technical assistance. Professional raters visit the program to review quality standards and then program participants receive ratings – up to five stars – by meeting an extensive list of quality benchmarks.